UFUVIC Spouse Life Insurance

Looking after our members and their families

Howden & United Firefighters Union Victoria: working together


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Howden has arranged group life insurance cover for the United Firefighters’ Union of Australia – Victorian Branch. This is relevant for spouses of operational members of the United Firefighters’ Union of Australia – Victorian Branch.
The product issuer is TAL Life Limited (ABN 70 050 109 450, AFSL 237848).

Features of the program include:

Cover commenced2 August 2023
Benefit Amount$100,000 
Benefit typeDeath or diagnosis of a terminal illness
CauseDeath by any cause
Coverage365 days – worldwide 24/7

NOTE: The above provides a summary of the policy. Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. For more detailed information about policy terms, conditions, limits, benefits and exclusions, please get in touch with the team below or please refer to the UFUV Spouse Life Insurance Coverage Guide.

UFUVIC Spouse Life Insurance Coverage Guide

We are here to help

If you have a question about the insurance program, how it works and what it covers please get in touch with:

Lyndall Ridley
Partner Employee Benefits & Wellbeing
T: 1300 528 126  
E: [email protected]

If you have a question about how to claim or an existing claim please get in touch with your Claims Manager:

Samantha Buckingham
Claims Specialist
T: 1300 528 126
E: [email protected]

Published: 26 August 2024