Private Legal Expense Insurance


Life's complexities can often lead us to situations where legal counsel or representation is necessary. Legal proceedings can be both costly and time-consuming.


Quick and easy Private Legal Expense Insurance

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Summary of cover

Personal injury 
Pursuit of compensation arising from an occurrence causing you physical bodily injury or death.

Property and goods
A dispute if someone damages, trespasses on or causes a nuisance to an Insured’s physical goods and/or main residence.

Tax protection
If an Insured faces an investigation by the ATO relating to their personal tax affairs.

Inheritance law disputes 
Up to 10 hours of consultation with an appointed advisor.  If the Insured is appointed as an executor of an estate and a claim is made against the estate alleging inadequate provision under the will.

Family law disputes – up 2 hours of consultation 
Up to 2 hours of consultation with an appointed advisor concerning the pursuit of or response to a court application for orders relating to the residence of, time with, or welfare of, the Insured's children as part of divorce proceedings.

Consumer contract disputes
If the Insured has a dispute over a written agreement relating to buying or selling goods or services.

Tenancy disputes
A dispute in respect of a breach of the terms contained within a lease agreement against the insured.

A dispute relating to the Insured’s contract of employment and adverse action by their employer. 

Please note: This is a limited summary of the policy. Terms, conditions, limits, excesses and exclusions apply. For full details and before making a decision, consider the Policy Wording and other relevant coverage documents. Please note that this link provides access to ARAG’s Diamond cover only under the ARAG Private Legal Expense Insurance Policy Wording.

Click here to view the ARAG Private Expense Insurance Policy Wording

Personal injury 
Any claim arising from or relating to an injury suffered at work or in connection with your work.

Property and goods
Any claim arising from or relating to a contract entered into by you or the title to goods or property. 

Tax protection
Any claim arising from or relating to a penalty or interest imposed by the ATO.

Inheritance law disputes 
Cover is limited to a maximum of 2 claims during any period of insurance.

Family law disputes
Divorce applications and proceedings. Cover is limited to a maximum of 2 claims during any period of insurance.

Consumer contract disputes
Any claim arising from or relating to a disputed amount which is less than $3,000 including GST.

Tenancy disputes
Any claim arising from or relating to the renewal of a lease or tenancy agreement or any dispute arising during a rent review process.

Any claim arising from or relating to performance management meetings, and interviews during your employment or any subsequent appeal from such processes.

Please note: This is a limited summary of the policy. Terms, conditions, limits, excesses and exclusions apply. For full details and before making a decision, consider the Policy Wording and other relevant coverage documents. Please note that this link provides access to ARAG’s Diamond cover only under the ARAG Private Legal Expense Insurance Policy Wording.

Click here to view the ARAG Private Expense Insurance Policy Wording


Quick and easy Private Legal Expense Insurance

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