Private Legal Expense Insurance for UFUVIC Members

For the unpredictable moments in our lives

Howden & United Firefighters Union Victoria: working together

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The United Firefighters Union of Australia – Victorian Branch Discretionary Trust (UFUVDT)has paid the premium for the ARAG Private UFU Legal Expense Insurance Policy which provides private legal expense cover for members of the UFUVDT. This cover commenced on 1 April 2024. 

Private legal expense insurance is designed to assist in covering legal costs for those moments in life when you need to assert your legal rights.

Private Legal Expense Insurance includes cover for legal costs and expenses for a number of legal disputes allowing private individuals and families to access legal services to protect their legal rights. The insurer supporting this policy is HDI Global Specialty SE – Australia (ABN 58 129 395 544, AFSL 4458776).


Highlights of the program relating to legal costs and expenses for insured events include:

Personal Injury

•    Pursuit of compensation where a third party is responsible for causing injury or death to you or your family.

Property and Goods

•    If someone accidentally damages your front fence, sprays graffiti on your property/house, then refuses to pay the costs of repairs or replacement.
•    Interference with your right to quiet use and enjoyment of your land, e.g. damage to drains, water run-off from a neighbour’s property, excessive noises or a bad smell.
•    The erection or dispute over common boundary fences.
•    If someone is entering/using/occupying your land without permission.
•    Damage or faulty workmanship undertaken within your property.

ID Theft

•    Civil proceedings related to unauthorised use of bank account or personal information by persons unknown with an intent to commit fraud. If the likelihood arises of a claim against you from a collection agency in the event of a person/persons using your identity.

Online ID Theft

•    The insurer will reimburse any pecuniary losses as a direct result of the unauthorised use of bank details or personal information with intent to commit fraud or other crimes online by persons unknown.

Family Law Disputes

10 hours consultation for:
•    Where a court has ordered custody of your children every second weekend to you, but your ex-partner refuses to let you see your children. You speak to a lawyer so you can understand your options and rights.
•    Maintenance, property split and payments to enforce financial agreements.
•    Maximum of 2 claims during the period of insurance.

Consumer Contract Disputes

•    A dispute arising out of or relating to purchases or sales of consumer goods or services for private use that do not fulfil warranted characteristics, e.g. purchasing of furniture or electrical appliances; disputes with a travel agent or tour organisation; or disagreements or disputes regarding trade services or general services in your private household.  

Tax Protection

•    Legal costs and expenses (including reasonable accountants fees) incurred to respond to an ATO investigation of your personal tax affairs (provided that up-to-date records are available, tax returns have been lodged by the due date and all reasonable information has been provided to the ATO).   

Tenancy Disputes

•    For both landlords and tenants – pursuit or defence of action that relates to your rental premises.
•    A dispute for breach of the terms of the lease or tenancy agreement for your premises  

This is a limited summary of the policy. Terms, conditions, limits, excesses and exclusions apply. For full details and before making a decision, consider the Policy Wording and other relevant coverage documents before deciding if this is right for you.

Important documents: You will find the Policy Schedule and Policy Wording here.

Highlights of the program relating to legal costs and expenses for insured events do not include:

Personal Injury

Any claim arising from or relating to an illness, mental injury and an injury suffered at work or in connection with your work.

Property and Goods

Any claim arising from or relating to:

•    A contract entered into by you;
•    Any building or land that is not your principal place of residence;
•    Acquisition or resumption of property by a government body;
•    Defending any disputes in respect of damage caused by your physical goods or property owned by you;
•    A lease or licence to occupy land or buildings;
•    A dispute with any party other than a party who caused the damage, nuisance or trespass; or
•    The title to goods or property.

ID Theft

Any claim arising from or relating to:

•    Fraudulent use arising from any malfunction of software, internet, or cloud services;
•    Any damage caused by a privacy breach where you have disclosed personal information or identifiers in breach of any law;
•    Costs to re-establish identity or credit records outside of Australia.

Online ID Theft

Financial losses incurred by you as a result of the use of a bank account or credit facility used other than exclusively for personal non-business use or is established with an entity that does not have an Australian Credit Licence.    

Family Law Disputes

Divorce applications and proceedings.

Consumer Contract Disputes

Any claim arising from or relating to:
•    Loans, mortgages, or any other banking;
•    The sale or purchase of land or buildings;
•    Cover under an insurance policy;
•    A disputed amount which is less than $2,000 incl GST.

Tax Protection

Any claim arising from or relating to:
•    The costs or routine preparation of documents for the purpose of calculating and submitting taxes;
•    A penalty or interest imposed by the ATO.

Tenancy Disputes

Any claim arising from or relating to:
•    The amount, payment or non payment of rent or other payments due under the terms of a lease;
•    The renewal of a lease or tenancy agreement; or
•    Any disputes arising during a rent review process. 

This is a limited summary of the policy. Terms, conditions, limits, excesses and exclusions apply. For full details and before making a decision, consider the Policy Wording and other relevant coverage documents before deciding if this is right for you.

Important documents: You will find the Policy Schedule and Policy Wording here.

Where to find help

If you have a question about Private Legal Expense Insurance, please get in touch with ARAG Legal Information Helpline

ARAG Legal Information Helpline
T 02 8066 0162
Press 2 as a policy holder

ARAG Legal Document Centre

How to make a claim

Download and complete claim form here. Please submit a completed claim form and supporting documentation by emailing [email protected]

ARAG Services Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 14 627 823 198) (ARAG) has been granted delegated authority by the Insurer to enter into, vary or cancel policies and handle claims on their behalf. In providing these services, ARAG acts on behalf of the Insurer and not as Your agent. ARAG is authorised to provide financial services in accordance with its Australian Financial Services Licence (AFS Licence number 513547). Any advice provided by ARAG in relation to this product is general in nature and does not take into account Your individual circumstances. The insurer is detailed in your policy documents.