
How to identify the priority health risks for your employees?


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Identify your health issues.

The cornerstone of the Diagnostic 360 program is based on a comprehensive questionnaire, meticulously developed by the Back Office Santé teams. This questionnaire aims to identify the health issues of employees in several key areas:

  • Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
  • Psychosocial risks (PSR)
  • Sleep
  • Healthy lifestyle and Nutrition
  • Visual Health

This comprehensive questionnaire allows for a precise and detailed overview of the health of your employees, highlighting the main areas requiring intervention.

Adapted health courses

Once health issues are identified, Back Office Santé offers personalized health journeys to meet the specific needs of each of your employees. These personalized journeys include various interventions such as physiotherapy sessions, stress management workshops, nutrition consultations, and eye exams.

Cartographie  santé

Health mapping

One of the unique features of the Diagnostic 360 programme is health mapping. The results of the questionnaires, once aggregated and anonymised, provide an overview of the state of health of your employees within your company.

This map not only helps to identify health risks, but also to implement targeted preventive actions.

Vous recevrez ainsi des rapports détaillés contenant des recommandations spécifiques basées sur les données recueillies.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions implemented?

Back Office Santé provides you with a satisfaction questionnaire. This questionnaire allows you to gather feedback from your employees on the interventions carried out and to adjust health programs accordingly.

Health mapping is updated twice a year, providing a dynamic and evolving view of the health of your employees.

Why choose Howden?

  • Better control of healthcare costs
  • Detailed reports provided by BOS to assist you in decision-making.
  • A personalized support by our team of experts.
  • Responsiveness and availability: willingness to be at your service and constantly innovate.
  • Understanding your challenges
  • 360 approach that covers advice, placement, management, and claims processing for your health risks.