
Regulation of Professional Service Firms Podcast – drivers and challenges for regulators and a look at corporate investigations


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Howden's Fortune Favours the Brave podcast has been created for business leaders exploring how businesses can harness risks and use them to their advantage. In each episode Howden will discuss a topical challenge or issue and what business leaders can do to overcome it.

In this two-part series, Neil Williams from our Legal, Technical and Claims team is joined by Alexa Jones and Niall Innes from Mills & Reeve as well as Tim Grey to discuss regulatory issues affecting professional service firms, in particular, lawyers and accountants.

In this episode, we briefly look at the history of regulation, the drivers and challenges for regulators and corporate investigations.




In this, the second episode, we look at the interplay between PII and regulatory issues. There is often an overlap, and it is useful to discuss how this should be navigated.