Employee Burnout

Take steps to safeguard your employees' wellbeing

8 practical ways to prevent and manage burnout in the workplace

In Mental Health UK's latest benchmark report, an alarming trend has been highlighted: one in five working adults in the UK took time off work last year due to mental health issues caused by excessive pressure or stress. This statistic highlights a pressing issue within our workforce, highlighting a need for effective solutions to manage and prevent employee burnout. 

The report further reveals that over a third of UK adults experienced consistently high or extreme levels of pressure and stress throughout the past year, marking a significant concern for employers and employees alike. Such levels of workplace stress not only impact the mental and physical health of individuals but also affect overall productivity and job satisfaction.

These insights demonstrate the need for businesses to adopt strategies to tackle burnout. Employers must prioritise creating a supportive work environment where employee wellbeing is at the forefront. This involves introducing initiatives that promote work-life balance, support employee wellbeing, provide access to mental health resources, and create a company culture that recognises and addresses the signs of burnout early on.

As awareness of mental health continues to grow, organisations must take proactive steps to safeguard their employees' wellbeing. By addressing the root causes of workplace stress and implementing targeted prevention strategies, businesses can foster a healthier, more engaged, and more productive workforce.

As part of our ongoing commitment to employers, we are proud to introduce our Employers Guide to Employee Burnout. This guide is designed to help employers understand the causes of burnout, recognise the signs, and implement effective strategies to prevent it from taking root in your business.


An employers guide to employee burnout

Workplace burnout has become an epidemic in today’s workplace. It is not only bad for your health but it leads to lower productivity and increased absenteeism. Our guide gives employers practical advice on how to support employees experiencing burnout.

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