Archery target

Policy specific questions

The Archery GB Combined Liability provides defence for legal liability following Negligence / Nuisance / Trespass. Unlike other liability insurances, it not only covers Public Liability (where you are liable for injury or damage to other persons or their property), but also includes cover for the following which are excluded from other providers standard covers:

  • Professional Indemnity – Injury following Advice (e.g. during coaching / Instruction)
  • Libel and Slander – Liability following something you say or written down (including content on websites /emails etc)
  • Directors and officers cover – for decisions made by committees
  • Abuse  (only if a Club/Business/Association  have fulfilled the criteria of the Protection of Children and  Adult at Risk requirements of Archery GB Safeguarding Policies)

Yes - See above

Employers Liability protects the employer in the event of an injury to an employee, for which the Employer is liable for. i.e. when the employee sues the employer.
Public Liability protects the Club / Association/Governing Body / Instructor / Member / Employee if a member or public sue them for injury /damage caused by your actions.

If you have Public Liability, Professional Indemnity, you are insured for liability incurred by volunteers following their negligent actions. Employers Liability provides protection to you as an employer in the event of the employee or volunteer employee becoming injured and sues you for negligence.

Under British Law, you can still be classed as an “employee” even if you are not paid. All clubs affiliated to Archery GB automatically benefit from employers liability insurance (to remove any doubt).

There have been cases of members having disputes within clubs. Anything on web sites and contained in emails could be potentially Libellous for example. Defamation is therefore included within the combined liability policy.

A third party property damage excess of £100 applies to the Archery GB policy

A £2500 excess applies for any claim for Clubs under the Management Liability Corporate Legal Liability Section of the policy who have a legal entity eg registered charity or limited company by guarantee.

It is designed specifically for the needs of Sports and Activity based organisations being Archery GB and its members.

Your Club Secretary is able to download a copy of the current evidence of insurance via access to the Archery GB Club Portal.

This means that the policy provides cover for those claims reported during the period of insurance (rather than the policy that was in force at the time of the incident) 

The Archery GB Combined Liability policy (with the exception of the Employers Liability Section), is written on a claims made basis and it is essential that any claims or circumstances that might give rise to a claim are notified during the current policy period in accordance with the terms of the policy wording, otherwise your right to indemnity under this insurance will be forfeited.

As a committee member you may not realise it, but the constitution of your club / association almost certainly makes you personally liable for the liability of your club / association. The directors and officers section of the policy is designed to protect you in the event of you being personally sued for negligent decisions.

Professional Indemnity provides cover following negligent advice. If you are a coach for example, you need this.  This cover also includes protection for negligent errors and omissions and not just where injury is involved but that could result in financial loss arising from advice, error or omission.

Yes. It is essential that you undertake risk assessments for the activities of your club/orgnaisation to support you in your risk management. You and your club owe a duty of care to those around you: If an allegation for negligence is made against you or your club the risk assessments will be needed to evidence what you have reasonably been able to do to prevent an incident occurring.

Yes but only for:

  • Legal expenses for defence of actions 
  • Legal expenses for defence of Employment Protection disputes against individual committee members/Director in their role as a Director or Officer of your organisation.

This is not a legal expenses policy and if you need this separate insurance please contact Howden to obtain quotations.

If an individual Director/Officer is named in an employment dispute there is an element of cover within the Directors and Officers insurance however if the association/club need full employment practices liability insurance please contact Howden to obtain a quotation.

Activity and environment

If the activity you are undertaking is not detailed below please refer to Archery GB for approval or referral to the insurers.

The policy covers you for the activities agreed with the underwriters and for Archery GB this is based on the Archery GB laws, Rules of Shooting, policies,  procedures and codes of practice.  

Please remember Archery GB members are not insured if shooting with non members as per the Rules of Shooting.

Current recognised activities advised by Archery GB are:

Coaching of Archery - Within own club, for the Society and coaching for/within region is included - not freelance coaching or coaching for remuneration (coaches employed by a club under a contract of employment is included.) 


It is essential that the club have adopted a constitution to operate to or where the club are a charity or limited company that they operate to the Articles and Memorandum of Association.

Participation in and administration of the sport of archery and club administrative function
Only clubs operating within the Archery GB laws and rules of shooting are insured, eg club with members shooting with non-members need separate insurance

Archery must take place in a recognised and approved archery environment e.g.approved and authorised range.

Social events.  Eg Prize /Presentation evenings, raffle, and low risk fundraising. Please ensure risk assessments and risk management for such activities is documented and recorded. 

Certain Social activity may need approval by Archery GB. 

Use of bouncy castles and other inflatables is not insured.

Some clubs may own  rent or lease the range they operate at and your liability as a property owner or occupier is included within Combined Liability insurance.  
Use of Grass Cutting equipment and general very basic maintenance (painting / decorating) of the club premises is also recognised however where the works demand work at height, manual handling/ lifting or specialist experience a contractor should be appointed to complete the works who will need to hold their own insurance.

Non Member Activity which is recognised by Archery GB includes the delivery of the following 

Beginner courses - up to their first 6 lessons, after which they must become a member to continue to benefit from insurance

Have a Go,  Taster Sessions & Archery Demonstrations – must only be delivered when following the Archery Event Code of Practice

Development within Schools - the affiliated club running these programmes will be insured whilst delivering sessions within the school, however the school pupils participating are not insured under this policy.  Your club role must be registered/recorded with Archery GB

Potential New Members – the club are insured whilst assessing the ability of a potential new member.  The individual is only insured whilst under supervision at the first assessment.

Member Activity

Participation in the sport of archery in all forms covered by the Laws and Rules of Shooting at recognised venues anywhere in the world, (excludes claims brought within the USA and Canada) within an Archery GB approved archery environment  including social, training and competitive archery activity.

The liability insurance does not include any medical expenses.   If you are outside the UK it is essential that you arrange your own travel insurance which recognises your participation in archery activity or competition.


Safety of your sport is extremely important to Archery GB and you may/will need to discuss where you shoot with Archery GB to establish if this is an approved activity and environment.

Where your range has been registered with Archery GB it is essential that any significant changes to the range or operation at the range be notified to and discussed with Archery GB for further review /acceptance under the Range Registration.

Questions around who is insured

There is no age limit on the combined liability policy.  Archery GB no not specify an age limit however a lower and upper age limit may depend on an assessment of competence and type of equipment being used.  

Policies will normally automatically include the club committees / members who are members of Archery GB and volunteers where requested.  Sometimes a local authority will request to be added to the cover (if you are using their sports hall). The cover requested will automatically be included under “indemnity to principles” clause within the policy.

Beginner Courses - The Archery GB Policy has been extended to insure beginners prior to becoming members for their first 6 sessions however for insurance cover to continue they must become a member.

Have a Go /Taster Sessions – The club or coach running the session is insured however the participants having a go are not insured.  In all cases a Have a Go /Taster session must follow the Code of Practice for Archery Events

Archery Demonstrations – are insured and you must follow the Archery GB Code of Practice

Potential New Members – the club are insured whilst assessing the ability of a potential new member.  The individual is only insured whilst under supervision at their first assessment only.

Members of Archery GB (resident in the UK).

Committee members and or Directors of Regions Counties and affiliated Clubs

Employees of the Regions County or Club whilst representing 

Volunteers whilst undertaking recognised Region County Club activity

Licenced Coaches who are members of Archery GB within the Archery GB Recognised Environment 

Judges/Officials who are members of Archery GB whilst operating within the Archery GB recognised environment. 

In all cases you are only insured when undertaking recognised Archery GB activity in the recognised and registered environment.

The Spectator is not insured under the Archery GB Insurance.

If a spectator is injured, and it is as a result of negligence of a member, the spectator may bring a claim against the member/club allegedly responsible for causing the injury.   The Combined Liability policy will provide the defence.  

No.  if you are injured you should seek legal advice on how to pursue a claim against the person(s) responsible for causing the injury. However you may wish to consider purchasing your own Personal Accident Policy.

Affiliated / Registered coaches and officials are personally covered whilst coaching or Judging within their own club, for Archery GB or coaching within their region or other Archery GB club environment only.  

There is no cover for any freelance coaching. 

If you operate / are registered as a Limited Company the insurance cover will not apply and you can contact Howden to purchase insurance for your company.

You are covered anywhere in the world (with the exception of claims brought in the USA / Canada) provided you are shooting in an Archery GB approved archery environment.

Any visits outside the UK are only insured if Temporary eg maximum duration must be less than 6 months of the year.

Where clubs are travelling with members to events this should be recorded with the club committee.

The liability insurance does not include any medical expenses.   If you are outside the UK it is essential that you arrange your own travel insurance which recognises your participation in archery activity or competition.

Howden offer a  Sports Travel Insurance which includes insurances such as Medical Expenses, Cancellation, loss of Passport and Public Liability insurance whilst undertaking sport outside the UK.  You simply need to select Archery as the sport you will be participating in.  Further details can be found at https://www.sporttravelinsurance.co.uk/

The cost of replacing the arrow is not insured on the Combined  liability policy.

If you are unable to locate the arrow there is potential for a third party claim and we request that the loss is logged with the Insurance Officer at Archery GB who will report and record the loss with the Howden Claims Team.

Provided that you have paid your subscription fees to the club for Club, County, Regional and Archery GB fees, then you can begin shooting straight away whilst the club registers you with Archery GB. You will need a proof of membership letter from the club (usually the secretary, or membership secretary can issue this to you) whilst you await for your Archery GB email, e-card and plastic card to arrive especially if you wish to enter any tournaments, or shoot at another club.

The Archery GB Combined Liability Insurance only provides cover to members who are UK residents (including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man). Overseas archers who are members of a National Governing Body that is a member of World Archery are able to shoot at Archery GB clubs and authorised events / tournaments, subject to the individual archer being able to provide proof that:

  • They are a current member of a National Governing Body that is a member of World Archery;
  • Have relevant liability insurance cover is in place.

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