
ESG: Howden backs Euler Hermes Green2Green insurance product


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Howden’s Global Credit Solutions team are delighted to have supported Natixis and Euler Hermes in binding some of the first Green2Green Single Risk Credit Insurance Policies.

Euler Hermes’ Green2Green credit insurance product is a pioneering product that contributes to tackling climate change. Uniquely, it covers the non-payment risk of qualifying green loans and the investment premium is invested into the green economy, creating a virtuous ‘green cycle’ within the insurance ecosystem. This approach is fully transparent with a certificate of investment issued by Euler Hermes Asset Management, ensuring the full traceability of the invested premium throughout the transaction term.

The Green2Green credit insurance solution focuses on providing insurance on green transactions, which are eligible based on a bespoke environmental evaluation. The initial sectors in scope are renewable energy, energy efficiency, recycling, water treatment, and mass public transportation. The solution is available on all eligible Euler Hermes Transactional Cover Unit policies for banks, multilaterals and corporates. 

For more information about Howden’s credit insurance solutions and the Green2Green product please contact Carl Ellerington or Fred Scriven.