
Do you think about insurance when enjoying a pint of beer?


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Beer brewing in the UK has a long history. Indeed, evidence of the first beer believed to have been brewed in the UK, dating back more than 2,000 years was uncovered by road workers.

Signs of iron age brew, from as far back as 400BC were identified in fragments of charred residues from the beer-making process found during the £1.5bn upgrade of the A14 in Cambridgeshire.1

The UK is a stronghold for drinking Real Ale and I am sure that I speak for many of my colleagues in the insurance industry in saying that I enjoy the many complex flavours and styles which the brewers work hard to achieve.  This is always done in moderation of course!

The brewing process itself is fairly rudimentary, although great care must be taken throughout the process to ensure that the end product is as good as it can be. There is still a risk that something could go wrong throughout the process, which completely spoils the end product. Our client’s primary focus is of course, getting this right.

At Howden, we work closely with our clients to understand their business and advise on how to best manage their insurance risks, providing risk management advice to aide loss prevention and mitigation. For example, we have worked with a client who is in a high flood zone area to install a flood gate and having on standby duplicate equipment. This is stored at height, thus enabling them to continue production in the event of a flood. With our specialist knowledge and support, this allows our clients to focus on what they do best. In this instance, brew the best beer they possibly can for all our enjoyment. Continuing a tradition and trade, which has been on-going since 400BC

Our clients value our support and the crucial role that we play as their trusted insurance advisors in enabling them to run their business successfully in the knowledge that in the event of a claim, we are there to assist in getting their operations back up and running as quickly as possible and they are financially protected.

When you are next enjoying a pint of beer, consider the effort that has gone into making it possible, including the role that insurance plays. A small piece of insurance advice from Howden might well have prevented a claim occurring, thus enabling that beer to be served. That pint might well be on us! Cheers!

If you’d like to speak about your insurance for your brewery, call Kevin McAree on 020 7543 2839  or email [email protected].