
Grow your business with the support of trade credit insurance


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By Dean Smith, Client Director. 

There’s little doubt that most businesses have been focusing on stability over the past few weeks and months. Companies are also assessing how they need to adapt during the current economic climate.  

Growth will become more of a focus, and those businesses looking to stay one step ahead of their competition will be looking at how they support that growth. Trade credit insurance can be an integral part of your future plans and help drive that growth.

At its simplest, trade credit insurance is a means by which companies protect themselves if customers who owe them money are unwilling or unable to pay.

Helping your business grow

However, there’s even more that trade credit insurance can offer:

  • A chance to increase capital which can then be used for growth, making it a genuine asset for your business
  • Access to highly valuable reports about the ‘health’ of companies you’re planning to do business with
  • Insight into your sector and current activity in the marketplace, to enable you to implement growth plans with confidence
  • Advantage over your competitors, by enabling you to get to know your customers better and set better credit terms

Paying when your customers let you down

There are many reasons why people might not pay you – insolvency, lack of cash, or delays in them being paid themselves. So, it’s a huge advantage to have something in place that puts you in control. 
Businesses prosper in times of certainty, and stability and good cash flow is vital to ensure the smooth running of any business. That’s where trade credit insurance can help – it enables you to do business in the knowledge that if your customers don’t pay, you have a back-up plan. 

Bespoke solutions

Trade credit insurance is not a “one size fits all” solution. Our knowledgeable team will advise you on how trade credit insurance could be beneficial for your business and work with you to create a personalised offering.

It’s all part of the service Howden brings. Call us today to find out more on 0121 452 8450

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Meet the author

Photo of Dean Smith


Dean Smith

Client Director
Photo of Dean Smith

Dean Smith

Client Director