
High-Rise Building Safety Registration


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A new regulatory registration process has been introduced with effect from 1st April 2023 for residential high-rise buildings in England.

Following the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, the safety of high-rise buildings has been of significant concern, with serious flaws in the regulatory framework for building safety being exposed.

It is a legal requirement under the Building Safety Act 2022 for owners or managers of high-rise buildings (over 18 meters or at least seven stories tall) to register their properties with the Building Safety Regulator (BSR), a newly established agency tasked with overseeing building safety.

The registration process should be completed by 30th September 2023, and includes providing detailed information about the building’s design, construction, and fire safety measures, as well as the appointment of a designated accountable person responsible for the building’s safety.

The legislation aims to:

  • Create a culture of accountability and transparency as owners and managers are required to demonstrate that their properties meet stringent safety standards, and they will be held accountable for any failures to comply.
  • Encourage responsible management practices, including regular inspections, maintenance, and the timely remediation of any identified safety risks.
  • Improve communication and coordination among building stakeholders. Building owners and managers are required to maintain a digital record of the building’s safety information, which will be accessible to residents, emergency services, and regulators.

High-rise building safety registration is part of broader regulatory reform in the construction industry, which includes increased scrutiny of building products, improved competency requirements for professionals involved in building safety, and the establishment of a comprehensive regulatory framework for the entire life cycle of a building.

For more information on the registration process please visit: Register a high-rise residential building – GOV.UK (

More information on the roles of Accountable Persons and Principal Accountable Persons can be found here: Safety in high-rise residential buildings: Accountable persons  – GOV.UK (

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