
How secure is your cricket club?


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It is normally around now, with the earlier evenings now that the clocks have gone back, that we see cricket clubs being vandalised and suffering break-ins.

This is an unfortunate fact of life for clubs, particularly when they are in isolated locations. Clearly, you have taken a great deal of time and care to put your equipment safely away at the end of the season, and you want it to be there when you open your doors again in March.

But how secure are your premises, and are you complying with your insurance policy conditions?

Theft of your equipment is normally only covered by your insurance policy following forcible (and violent) entry, and provided that the security devices on your premises are both operable, and comply with the Minimum Security Condition (MSC) in your insurance policy.

Normally the MSC makes reference to security on the following:

1.    The final exit door

2.    Any other external door or internal door

3.    Any other external door or internal door which is officially designated a fire exit by the local fire authority

4.    All ground and basement level opening windows and any upper floor opening windows or skylights

There is also (normally) a separate condition for storage containers whereby the door on the container must be secured by a closed shackle padlock (and possibly also protected by a shroud or a key box to prevent tampering).

In our experience, one issue some of our clients have faced when making claims is to do with is up and over garage doors. These are frequently used on storage garages, and do not normally have three locking bolts. They may also be designed for domestic use, rather than industrial use, meaning they are easier to bend for access. If you have one of these, it would be advisable to add padlocks at the bottom of the door both to improve security and to ensure compliance with the MSC.

It is worth checking as soon as possible whether your club premises comply with these general points and any other requirements your particular policy may have, as non-compliance may lead to your theft claim being denied, and pressure being put on club funds to replace stolen items.

If you would like to discuss any of these points in greater detail, or would like us to review your insurances to highlight any gaps in cover, please call Colin Mico on 01883 333352.