
How we ensured our client's business was correctly covered


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We helped a restaurant chain streamline their insurance programme to ensure their business was safeguarded.

About the restaurant:

Howden were introduced by an existing fine dining hospitality client to a restaurant chain spanning seven countries. They specialise in serving high-quality fresh lobsters. The restaurant chain asked Howden to review their existing insurance programme to see how the insurance policies across all the sites could be streamlined and to identify any gaps in cover.

Our solution:

Having carried out a thorough review of the insurance policies, we recognised that as the restaurant had separate policies per site, they were paying for duplicated cover i.e. public liability which could be arranged in one policy. Our findings also highlighted a substantial gap in cover.

To ensure the restaurant chain always delivers high-quality fresh lobsters, they air freight them from Europe into their UK central distribution centre which are then further distributed across the restaurants.

The amount of lobsters in transit exceeded the limit of the policy, meaning that if an entire delivery of lobsters was lost, they would not have been covered, leaving them exposed to cover the cost. This could run into tens of thousands of pounds.

We highlighted a substantial gap in cover which left them exposed to cover the cost of ten of thousands of pounds if a claim occurred

We carried out a full market review and prepared a tailor-made proposal which provided cover under one policy.


The restaurant chain was grateful for the review and specialist advice provided and appointed Howden as their insurance broker. This allowed them to properly safeguard their business as well as streamline the process to make it more efficient for the restaurant chain when managing their insurance.

Call Lewis Doyle on 020 7543 2803 if you would like us to review your existing insurance programme or provide a quote for your business insurance.