
Nikki Hookway discusses why good customer service is important in the insurance sector


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Congratulations on being nominated for Markel’s Broker Service Champion awards. It’s a great chance for us to ask you about what customer service means and how we can try to replicate what you do.

Jack Durrant – Associate Director, BA (Hons), ACII

What does quality customer service look like to you?

Firstly, I think it’s about having an empathetic approach to clients. Not just for when claims happen, but throughout the renewal – many people running businesses are focused on just that, so being empathetic can be as simple as scheduling best times to call and do appointments, or even trying to keep things brief. Simply knowing the driving factors for your client is a critical component of customer service. Seeing things from a customer’s point of view is critical. For example, now the economy is a little bit of a concern for many clients, offering monthly payment options or trade credit might be useful – it’s the big picture we need to see.

Another skill I have tried to really focus on is listening to customers. I think this is something everyone thinks they do – but there’s a bit of a difference between hearing what someone is saying and listening. This is where I think the simplest change can be made for people to see the most benefit.

In contrast to the norm, it’s also about ensuring that customers are equipped with knowledge and information, and you take the time to advise them, even if sometimes it’s something they don’t want to hear.

Tim Weymouth put it in a way I really like: Would you rather leave your doctor’s surgery smiling, or would you like to be equipped with the knowledge to live a healthier lifestyle?

Commercial insurance can be complex, it deserves time and attention from an expert. Therefore, it’s so important in the industry to seek out chartered brokers, and for professionals to equip themselves with professional qualifications. I advise my own team and mentor them to gain professional qualifications and I am proud to say that they are taking it in their stride.

Sometimes brokers default to thinking customer service is all about being nice and delivering cheaper premiums – however, for our team, we believe it is about so much more. We’re lucky enough to have risk management services, claims professionals, compliance, and regulatory staff – this is where I feel our service is different. I am a conduit between all these people and presenting the right people to customers when needed is crucial. I try to make it easier for customers to get the very best out of everything they’re buying, to ensure the services are there when they need them, and that they get my advice and empathy. I am always focused on the solutions, not the barriers.

Move away from a sales mindset, move into the frame of mind of the person you’re helping – whether that’s a client, a colleague, or an insurer. I like to think that everyone is on my side and the best thing to do is focus on what outcome you want to achieve, the rest of the process is simply about keeping everything transparent, communicating well and overcoming challenges. Focus on the outcome foremost.

We, of course, have the regulators to bear in mind, and the compliance that many financial services industries have – with this in mind, I will look to also innovate. Many people aren’t comfortable reading through reams of paperwork, so often I will send video clips produced by our marketing team to explain topics like underinsurance. We also have articles which I will often send to clients – this way, I borrow the knowledge and expertise of many people within Howden. The core of all of this is that producing great customer service starts with you, and is amplified by the efforts of the team around you to really stand out.