
Protect your home this summer with The Keyholding Company


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Summer holidays bring excitement, offering a well-deserved break from routine. However, amidst the joy and anticipation, it’s crucial to consider potential vulnerabilities that accompany this season. Picture yourself lounging on a beach, basking in the sun. As you soak in the serenity, a nagging worry surfaces: is my home safe?

Summer presents unique security challenges. When your home is empty for extended periods, it becomes far more susceptible to break-ins. While measures like light timers, smart home hubs, and CCTV systems have their place, comprehensive protection requires a holistic approach. It’s recommended to have services tailored to your specific needs, whether it’s for personal reasons or to meet the criteria set by your insurance company.

Having secured residential and commercial properties for 25 years, we at The Keyholding Company we have some essential tips on how to safeguard your home and maintain peace of mind throughout the  away-from-home summer months.

You know the dangers, but what are the solutions?

Two solutions stand out when looking at how to keep your home secure whilst you’re away:

  1. Keyholding and alarm response:

Imagine you receive a text from a concerned neighbour or family member alerting you to a potential break-in or suspicious activity at your home while you’re enjoying your holiday. A wave of anxiety washes over you. How can you relax when your house is potentially vulnerable? Do you ask your neighbour to investigate, or do you spend precious moments on the phone with the police or your insurance company, desperately seeking a solution?

There’s a better way.

By opting for expert keyholding and alarm response services, you can leave your worries behind. Instead of putting neighbours or family in harm’s way (not to mention it being a big inconvenience!), you can rely on a team of trained professionals who specialise in rapid alarm response.

This is how our service works if an alarm is triggered while you’re away:

  • When the alarm is triggered, we’re alerted by your alarm monitoring station
  • We try your emergency contacts to check if there is any reason why we shouldn’t attend
  • We immediately dispatch the best-placed officer to your property with keys to gain access
  • They assess the situation, liaise with the police on your behalf if needed, and take action to resolve the problem swiftly and efficiently
  • They secure the property and follow up with a report straight into your inbox on the incident and any actions taken (handy for if you need to provide evidence for insurance claims)
  1. House checks:

Aside from rapid alarm response, there is another option to maintain the security and integrity of your home when you’re not there– house checks.

Fully trained officers will thoroughly inspect your home at random times to keep intruders on their toes, promptly addressing any potential security breaches or vulnerabilities like an open window or a leaking pipe.

The best thing about house checks is that you have the flexibility to customise the service according to your requirements. During vacant periods over summer, you might want to make it appear that your house is occupied to deter potential criminals. Need someone to switch around the lighting or pick up the post? No problem.

Much like alarm response, reports are provided after every check to keep you in the loop.

We can help keep your home safe

The Keyholding Company are the UK’s number one keyholding and alarm response specialists, providing comprehensive security solutions for 38,000 properties nationwide. Our network of service partners ensures unrivalled UK-wide coverage, so no matter where you are, we can help.

We pride ourselves on our level of service, maintaining several accreditations which prove our high standards. We’re accredited by the National Security Inspectorate to Gold Standard and are regulated by the Security Industry Authority as a government Approved Contractor.

Explore our residential security services today and discover how we can provide you with the peace of mind you deserve. Safeguard your property, create a secure environment, and relax this summer.

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