
The benefits of sustainable takeaway packaging


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As the world continues to grapple with environmental concerns, sustainable takeaway packaging is becoming increasingly popular. The food industry is a significant contributor to packaging waste, with 11 billion items of packaging wasted[1] in a year.

Why restaurants should consider using eco-friendly takeaway packaging

With the statistic mentioned above and an ever-increasing focus on saving our planet, food establishments must look to make the switch to using sustainable takeaway packaging to remove the negative impact disposable packaging has on the environment. In the UK, we generate almost five million tonnes of plastic each year[2], and with traditional takeaway packaging being largely made up of polystyrene and plastic, these are not biodegradable and often end up in landfills or oceans, where they can take up to hundreds of years to decompose. This has a devastating effect on the environment, as it leads to pollution, habitat destruction, and harm to wildlife.

Restaurants may reduce their environmental impact and help create a more sustainable future by utilising sustainable takeaway packaging which is biodegradable, compostable, or recyclable, and much less harmful to our environment.

What does good sustainable packaging look like?

Good sustainable packaging should be designed with the environment in mind. This means that it should be made from materials that are biodegradable, compostable, or recyclable. Keeping all that in mind, the packaging should also be durable, easy to carry, and able to protect the food during transportation, both intact and hot if needed. Nobody enjoys having to eat a cold meal when it’s meant to be hot, and we know warming up a burger and chips in the microwave will not give the same experience as eating it freshly prepared from the restaurant.

There are several options for sustainable packaging, including:

  1. Biodegradable plastic: This type of plastic is designed to break down into natural materials, such as water and carbon dioxide, within a short time.
  2. Compostable packaging: This is made from materials that can be broken down into organic matter in a composting facility.
  3. Recyclable packaging: This packaging is made from materials that can be recycled and used to make new products.

Sustainable packaging doesn’t need to be brown and boring; it can be an opportunity for businesses to showcase their commitment to sustainability and differentiate themselves from competitors. There are several options for branded sustainable packaging, including using eco-friendly inks and printing on sustainable materials such as recycled paper or cardboard. Businesses can promote their commitment to sustainability while still maintaining their brand identity.

The benefits of using recyclable packaging

Using recyclable packaging has several benefits. Firstly, it reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or oceans, which contributes to environmental sustainability. Secondly, it reduces the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing new packaging, as recycled materials require less energy to produce than virgin or raw materials. Finally, it can enhance a business’s reputation and appeal to consumers who are environmentally conscious and prefer to support businesses that prioritise sustainability.

How to implement the change in packaging

Making a change in the packaging can seem like a big task. Here are five steps that make the transition easier for restaurants:

  1. Conduct a packaging audit: This involves assessing the current packaging used and identifying areas where sustainable alternatives can be used.
  2. Research sustainable packaging options: As we mentioned earlier, there are many sustainable packaging options available, so it’s essential to research the options that are most suitable for your business.
  3. Communicate with suppliers: It’s essential to communicate with suppliers to ensure that they can provide sustainable packaging options and negotiate the price.
  4. Train staff: Staff should be trained on the new packaging options and how to dispose of them properly.
  5. Communicate with customers: Inform your customers about the new packaging and show them how you’re positively making an impact.

Article takeaways

To wrap up (pun intended), restaurants need to give serious consideration to using sustainable takeaway packaging. This reduces the environmental and carbon footprint and contributes to a greener future. Good sustainable packaging should be designed with the environment in mind, be biodegradable, compostable, or recyclable, and still protect the food during transportation. Using recyclable packaging also enhances a restaurant’s reputation for “doing the right thing” by the planet. Implementing a change in the packaging used can seem daunting, but by following the steps above, that shift to sustainability should be plain sailing.



Max Palmer-Jeffery

Max Palmer-Jeffery Business Relationship ManagerBusiness Relationship Manager

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