Professional Sports Club

In the high stakes world of professional sport, you want to know that your investment is protected, both on and off the pitch, 24/7, all over the world. It’s the broker’s job to get you the right level of cover, which help you when the worst happens, without overpaying for the privilege.  

All our Personal Accident policies offer worldwide, 24/7 cover, on and off the pitch.


Asset protection

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Policies to protect your prize assets

A robust financial risk management plan includes elements of cover in the following 4 areas.

1. Wage protection insurance

When a star player is out of action, you still have to pay their wages - and possibly pay for a replacement too. 

Wage protection insurance covers the cost of huge wage demands, and can allow you to pay the wages of a suitable replacement. 

The policy pays the club for a pre-determined amount of time, often a year or 18 months. 

2. Career-Ending Protection

Pays the club an agreed tax free lump sum (usually the market value of the player) in the event of an Accidental Death or serious injury or sickness, which means a player can no longer continue their playing career.

3. Death by Natural Causes 

If a player passes away, due to sickness or organ failure of some kind, this policy is ready to pay out the current market value of the player. Having a death by natural causes policy in place prevents any gaps in coverage – many player insurance policies only cover accidental death. 

4. Catastrophe Coverage 

Where all your players are on the same plane or bus, you are a taking a massive financial risk.  You might think there’s a very small likelihood that a crash will happen – fortunately, you’re right. 
Do your players car share into training? Such policies can be set up to cover if 2 or 3 players lose their life or suffer permanent injuries in the same accident, and will pay the pre-agreed market value of the players. 

What the broker does for you

Work with your doctors directly

We work in conjunction with your medical staff to ensure the insurers have up-to-date information. For example, an insurer may insist on higher premiums or exclusions due to a specific worry about a certain player e.g. the insurance industry takes the opinion your full back has a suspect right knee. 
We can work with your medical staff and fitness records to improve that perception. 

The other side of this is that if they do have knee trouble, it's important your insurance documentation reflects this, to ensure insurers don’t have reason to deny the claim.  

Monitor squad changes to right-size your coverage

We monitor your playing staff for changes in value. We keep up to date with ins and outs, assessing any changes in players and overall squad values. 

If one of your players gets an international call up or performs well at the World Cup, for example, and market value increases, you'll need your coverage adjusting accordingly – we keep an eye on these scenarios and make sure your insurance limits are dialled up or down to ensure your coverage is fit for purpose, without overpaying

Balance sheet protection

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Balance sheet protection options 

1. Contractual Bonus Protection 

This policy offers straight balance sheet protection where you’ve committed to success-based bonuses. We ensure prompt payment by ensuring the insurance contract is perfectly aligned with the bonus contract, right from inception. 

2. Event Cancellation and Non-Appearance

Provides the security you need if a certain fixture or event does not take place, for a variety of reasons, e.g. adverse weather, non-appearance of key people, terrorism etc. Every event is different. Give us a call and we’ll help get you the right cover. 

4. The 'standards'

We also have deep expertise in all the usual insurances larger businesses need:  

• Employers’ Liability 
• Public Liability
• Property and Business Interruption
• Motor Fleet
• Group Personal Accident and Travel
• Directors and Officers
• Cyber Liability 


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A photo of Andy Goulbourne

Andy Goulbourne

Andy leads our team working with National Governing and Representative bodies, their clubs, coaches, members and participants delivering comprehensive insurance protection and innovative risk management solutions. The projects differ, but goal's always the same – to help you deliver safer sport.