
Protecting personal security


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It is well documented that the majority of planned kidnaps occur close to areas that the victim frequents regularly, such as their home, office or school.

Because kidnappers need to observe their potential victims for days or even weeks in order to plan where to abduct them, they become vulnerable to detection.

Of course, it is hard to know whether people standing near or observing your home or office, or sitting in cars nearby, are a threat. However, there are various tactics that you can use that appear normal to the average person but which are quite intimidating to potential kidnappers.

In this way, you can ‘project’ security into potentially dangerous situations to intimidate would-be kidnappers and significantly reduce your risk of becoming a victim.

Family security projection

Intelligence gathering and dissemination

Any suspicious vehicle, person or incident should be noted by a member of the family or security staff and disseminated to other members of the family or staff on a regular basis. Ideally, all information should be collated by an individual and checked for patterns. Also try to set up a neighbourhood watch system, where neighbours or people working nearby share details of any incidents or suspicious people in the area.


Family members and security staff should ask strangers parked in cars what they are doing and whether there is any way that they can assist them. This procedure will appear innocent to genuine strangers, but it will be very intimidating to would-be kidnappers and could force them to select another target.

Key times 

There are key times when it is more likely that an incident might take place – immediately before the arrival or departure of a person at their home or office. Therefore, security staff or other family members should go out and check the final approaches to the home or office, or even wait for and return with the approaching family member.

The majority of kidnap victims say that something was not quite right or there were suspicious incidents before their abduction, but that no action was taken to investigate. Therefore, a vital part of projection is the aggressive investigation and follow up of any incident in the areas close to the home or office.

Enhancing projection capabilities

All family members can carry communications such as mobile phones or radios for reporting incidents. Security staff can keep a log of any incidents and have a camera (or smartphone) to record and possibly further intimidate casual observers. The use of low level armoured cars and defensive driving techniques can also provide proactive protection against any kidnap attempt.

Security projection planning

Security specialists are trained in the evaluation of a threat area and can help to hone a projection plan or create one for you.

Typical assistance would involve:

  • Identifying threat locations through reconnaissance of danger areas
  • Instructing family members and security staff on mobile security and counter-surveillance
  • Instructing family members and staff on projection concepts, reporting and collation procedures
  • Setting up a security projection screening operation

If you don’t have this in place but feel it could be of interest there are varying companies offering this.

Identifying hostile surveillance

It is important that individuals can identify whether they are being observed or followed. Kidnappers may well attempt to follow an individual once they have ‘picked them up’ while observing them close to their home or office. There are many ways to confirm a following vehicle. Simple methods

  • Box drill – drive off your route and around the block, before returning to your original route. This will quickly identify beyond doubt any following vehicle.
  • Motorway drill – take the next exit and immediately re-enter the motorway. Any vehicle that does the same may be following.
  • Stop at a garage for petrol and observe the actions of any other car following you. If they stop as well, this is suspicious.

Family security projection

Always have at least half a tank of petrol so that you can travel a decent distance if you confirm that you are being followed. Never continue to your destination once you have confirmed that you are being followed as you may be heading into a trap.

Content courtesy of Azur Insurance

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