
Sport Travel Insurance in a crisis situation


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Overseas travel is a lifestyle for anyone involved in the International Sports industry. Sports governing bodies and event organisers will have a number of people travelling on their behalf at any one time throughout the year.

The current Coronavirus epidemic has highlighted the need for comprehensive travel insurance and there are a number of issues that might arise during global events such as this that might not be immediately apparent.

  • In the early stages of a potential global incident, governments and relevant authorities are reluctant to make recommendations or issue travel advice which in turn can make it difficult to provide clear advice and guidance.
  • Once there are travel restrictions in place this can complicate, delay or even prevent treatment and repatriation.
  • Early diagnosis of the illness causing the crisis is often difficult and symptoms presented can be confused with more common illnesses such as a cold or flu which can create complications with early treatment.
  • Access to medical / isolation facilities and treatment for illness or injury can become difficult or be restricted as existing resources are stretched by having to deal with the crisis.

During any situation affecting global travel, careful consideration should be given to your duty of care towards those who are travelling on your behalf. 

  • Consider if non-essential trips can be avoided and always follow any advice given by the relevant Government authorities and the World Health Organisation.
  • Where provided, use the medical emergency assistance company provided by your travel insurance company to provide advice prior to travel.
  • Check that your travel insurance is adequate to cover your activities. Non-specialist policies, and policies purchased by the individual will often exclude claims which have arisen whilst participating in a sporting event.
  • Cover for repatriation following an accident or illness, or during an emergency situation, is essential. You should check that your cover includes repatriation following anything happening that is a potential threat to the health and safety of your traveller e.g. virus outbreak.
  • If your traveller is on a trip and a situation rises where there are some concerns for health and safety you must be able to demonstrate that curtailing the trip is necessary. You should therefore engage the designated emergency assistance company as early in the process as is practicable in order to obtain advice and assistance.  
  • If there is a medical emergency you should contact the assistance company straight away to obtain advice and assistance, including arranging appointments for treatment.
  • Those travelling on your behalf may be domiciled anywhere in the world. You should therefore be aware of any current restrictions on movement that are in place on travellers from their country of domicile.

Should you require any assistance in arranging appropriate travel insurance, or if you would like to review your current arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Gary Flynn

Gary Flynn

Divisional Director – Sport, Media and Entertainment – Howden UK Group