
Risk Management & the Professional Indemnity Claims Landscape Webinar: Watch on demand


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Howden recently delivered a webinar to discuss ‘Risk Management & the Professional Indemnity Claims Landscape’ for accountancy firms. The webinar was recorded and the link to view is available below.

The pandemic and general economic uncertainty have created a much higher level of risk for accountancy practices. The insurance market also remains extremely challenging and having a proactive approach to risk is vital to securing favourable terms. 

During this webinar our panel of experts from Howden and RPC explore some of those risks and provide some key pointers on how to manage them.

This webinar will cover:

  • The current state of the insurance market for accountants
  • An overview of key risk management themes
  • The scope of duty, letters of engagement and contractual caps on liability
  • Claims examples, including reference to relevant case law


  • Neil Williams. Associate Director – Claims. Howden Insurance Brokers
  • George Smith. Senior Associate. RPC
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Risk Management & the Professional Indemnity Claims Landscape

Webinar date - 13th October 2021