Employee Benefits & Pensions

Attract and retain top talent from within your industry

By implementing an effective employee benefits insurance plan, you can demonstrate your commitment to the health and wellbeing of your team and attract and retain the best talent from within your industry. 

Our specialist employee benefits consulting team can help you set up a new plan from scratch, or analyse your existing plan and pinpoint improvements designed to help your benefits plan become market-leading. 

We offer:

•    Support at every step of the design and implementation process
•    Guidance to help you meet all regulatory and legal requirements
•    Actuarial expertise (including IAS 19) as required
•    Communication strategies to ensure your employees know exactly how to make maximum use of their benefits

And above all, we offer a ‘one-stop’ solution designed to take all of the time, effort and stress that comes from managing and implementing employee benefits plan off your shoulders.
We’ll bring our expert insight and knowledge of the insurance markets. You bring your unrivalled understanding of what makes your business tick. 

Together, we’ll deliver a plan that’s perfectly tailored to your needs.

“EB is one of the cornerstones of our service offerings. I am a strong believer that we have an experienced team at Howden Belgium that is able to propose and handled the most complex solutions, tailormade to your needs.”
Herman Kerremans, CEO, Howden Belgium

Our Services


We can help you deliver financial peace of mind for your employees, through a group insurance policy designed to help your team meet the growing costs of both in-patient and out-patient healthcare.

Life Benefits

An invaluable benefit for employees. Life benefit insurance pays out a lump to your employee’s nominated beneficiaries if your employee passes away in service.

Pension Benefit

By contributing to a pension benefit scheme for your employees, you can help your team build to a prosperous financial life in retirement.

Short and long-term disability

Company disability benefit can provide your employees with replacement income if they’re unable to work due to short or long-term disability.

Variable Remuneration 

If you pay out bonuses and other forms of incentivised salary, you can choose to pay these payments directly into a pension bonus plan to better optimise the financial value over the long term.

How we work

Our goal is always to make it as easy as possible for you to achieve the employee benefits plan you need:
That’s why we’ve broken it down into a simple 4-step process:

•    Step 1. Analysis and benchmarking. We conduct detailed analysis designed to highlight gaps and potential improvements in your existing plan. (Or to set out the structure for your new plan, if you’re starting from scratch.)
•    Step 2. Market study. We conduct a thorough market study to pinpoint the most suitable providers for the new plan you’ve approved.  
•    Step 3. Implementation. We work with you and your new insurer to ensure your new plan is implemented as quickly and smoothly as possible.  
•    Step 4. After-service. Once your new plan is set up, we’ll continue to offer regular support and guidance whenever you need it. 

Why Howden?

With more than 16,000+ employees operating in 50+ countries and managing more than $35bn in written premium, the Howden broking group is an established name in the global market.

Our employee benefits and wellbeing practise combines this global reach with specialist expertise in the Belgium market, all designed to help ensure your group benefits plan delights your employees while remaining cost-effective.  

Meet the team

Photo of Annemieke Schepers


Annemieke Schepers

Executive Director, Employee Benefits
Photo of Astrid de Voghel


Astrid de Voghel

Senior Client Advisor, Employee Benefits
Photo of Jessica Prevot


Jessica Prevot

Account Manager, Employee Benefits
Photo of Arno Matthys


Arno Matthys

Client Advisor, Employee Benefits

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