Legal notice

Legal Notice

Provider identification in accordance with §§ 5, 6 DDG (Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz [German Teleservices Act])

Howden Deutschland AG
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 6
80807 Munich
Telephone: +49 89 54329-0
Email: [email protected]

Headquarters, legal structure and Companies Register details

Howden Deutschland AG is a joint-stock company (Aktiengesellschaft) as per the German Stock Corporation Act, headquartered in Munich, Germany, and entered into the Companies Register kept by the District Court of Munich under HRB (Companies Register, Section B) no. 288 178.

Authorized representatives: Karl-Heinz Holz (CEO), Kai Bockelmann, Marcel Braun, Axel Meyer

VAT ID no. as per Section 27a of the UstG (Umsatzsteuergesetz [German Value Added Tax Act])


Information as per Section 18 (2) of the German Interstate Treaty on Media Services

The following parties are responsible for the content provided on this website:

Howden Deutschland AG
Simone Eichinger
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 6
80807 Munich

Information on the procedure for settling disputes as per Section 36 of the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act

We do not participate in a procedure for settling disputes with a consumer arbitration service and we are not obliged to do so.

Complaint management

We are committed to providing an excellent service to our customers. We welcome your feedback, both positive and negative.
If you do have a complaint, please contact our complaints office.


We are responsible for the content available on our website in accordance with general legislation. We exercise due diligence and the best of our knowledge when generating this content. Where our website contains hyperlinks directing visitors to third-party websites, we cannot assume any liability for ensuring that the content of the linked sites is correct, complete and continuously kept up to date, as this content falls outside the scope of our responsibility and we do not have any influence over its future creation and configuration. If you believe that content is inappropriate or violates applicable law, please inform us immediately.


You can find our privacy policy here.

Copyright notice

As a general rule, the text, images, photos, videos and graphics on our website are protected by copyright. Therefore, any unauthorised use of the content protected by copyright is forbidden (with particular regard to copying, editing or dissemination). If you would like to make use of our content, or part thereof, please contact us in advance using the details indicated above. If we are not the holders of the copyrights required to use the content, we will try to put you in contact with the relevant rights holder.

Social media profile

This legal notice also applies to the company’s profile on: LinkedIn