AEP Self-managed Claims Support

Support to help you manage your own work injury claims - what you need, when you need it

We know how much work goes into managing your own work injury claims.

From recruiting and training your staff, accessing medical and technical support, through to review hearings and ACC audits, there is lots to think about - and lots of different skills needed. 

When you partner with Howden Care, you have access to all the benefits that come with being part of a larger claims management team, while always remaining in control of your claim costs and outcomes. 

Our available services:

  • Coaching and mentoring for claims staff - including leaders 
  • Complex claim advice - including access to a panel of experts for discussion and guidance on complex claims
  • File audits and recommendations
  • Access to Howden Care training calendar and programme for claims staff 
  • Support with preparing for and presenting at AEP audits 
  • Injury management manual development and review 
  • Administrative support such as registering claims, reporting to ACC, requesting information, sending simple letters and forms, copy files, and invoice processing 
  • Use of customised claims management system 
  • Weekly compensation calculations and letters 
  • Review representation 
  • Access to Specialist Occupational Physician advice and preferred providers
  • Leave cover for claims staff  
  • Support with identifying and planning for potential handback claims to ACC to limit liability 
  • Management of claims on your behalf where appropriate, for example the injured person is no longer employed by you 
  • Cost Benefit Analysis – review of your current programme and recommend options 
  • Access to automated claims reporting dashboard 

Why partner with Howden Care?


We are experts with an average of 20 years employee health and claims management experience – we are passionate, innovative and solution focused  who work closely with our clients to deliver results. 


Our tailored health and injury management programs are able to grow with your business – we deliver a single service to a full people risk offering based on your needs now,  and as these change into the future. 


We help you understand your risk profile, work out what you already do well, and where there may be opportunities for improvement in managing your people risk. 


Our services are driven by an industry-leading data intelligence and analytics platform – with the ability to demonstrate identify insights into your injury and illness trends. You will be able to prevent future claims, effectively track interventions and highlight return on investment. 

Benefits to your business

Our staff have worked with ACC self-insurance products since the first scheme was introduced in 1995.  As the most experienced and best performing team in New Zealand, the benefits available to self-managing employers are: 

  • Save time and costs by providing services tailored to your requirements 
  • Knowledge that the most appropriate product choice has been selected by your business to maximise savings and limit financial risk 
  • Support to help your claims staff do a great job managing your work injury claims 
  • Working with you to ensure best outcomes possible are being achieved for you and your employees 

We're always here to help

Let's talk...

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