Medical Malpractice insurance

Personalised Medical Malpractice policy

Calculating premiums based on your personal risk profile might not sound ground-breaking, but many of our competitors simply group you into a category and charge a set price. Every doctor's risk profile is unique - and your premium should be too.  

Obviously, within any specialty there will be some doctors who have higher risk profiles than others. Find out how much a personalised Medical Malpractice Insurance policy will save you.

Howden bases your unique premium on:  

  • Your specialty
  • Patient numbers
  • Patient profiles
  • Hours worked
  • Claim history
  • Your desired policy limit 

That's why we can offer you a fairer price than many of our competitors. 


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Enhanced Claims-Made Protection

The time limit for bringing a malpractice claim in Singapore is generally 3 years, extending to a maximum of 24 years for infant patients. Our policy provides claims-made cover, but with a difference - an automatic 24 years run-off policy at no extra premium when you retire or cease practising. 

Cover that extends into your retirement, at no extra cost. That's true peace of mind.

What Does Medical Malpractice Insurance cover?

Insurance policies for the medical profession vary greatly in the breadth of cover they provide.  The top ten benefits that doctors need from their insurance, all provided under your Howden policy, are:

1. Medical malpractice cover

Your Howden policy covers all elements of a malpractice claim, from the initial costs of defending the claim, amounts offered in settlement, award of damages and/or costs. 

2. Cover for clinics and support staff

The legal entity that you created to house your practice and the support staff serving your patients can come under fire. Your Howden policy extends cover to your clinic and support staff, so in the event of a claim against them, the cover will be available.

3. Legal representation 

The quality of legal representation can be the difference between upholding your good reputation or having it tarnished. Your Howden policy covers the costs of getting a competent lawyer experienced in similar challenges.  Our expert medico-legal advice in Singapore is provided by a panel of the most experienced firms.

4. SMC disciplinary inquiries

An adverse finding by the Singapore Medical Council’s Disciplinary Tribunal can be just as damaging for your reputation as a malpractice claim. Your Howden policy covers the cost of legal representation at SMC inquiries, to ensure that your interests are protected.

5. SMC Fines

Should the SMC disciplinary tribunal impose a penalty that arises from malpractice, your Howden policy will pay that fine on your behalf, provided policy conditions are met.  We are the only malpractice insurance provider in Singapore to offer this protection.

6. Good Samaritan acts

If you need to get involved in an emergency, your insurance should be with you, standing strong, giving you the confidence to act fast. Your Howden policy covers Good Samaritan acts. 

7. Libel and slander

Defending allegations of libel and slander arising from your professional practice can be expensive. Your Howden policy includes costs of defence against libel and slander. 

8. Claims arising overseas

Your Howden policy covers claims arising anywhere in the world other than the USA and Canada.

9.  Telemedicine

Your Howden policy provides automatic cover for claims arising from telemedicine services, both formal and informal.

10. Coroner’s Inquests 

A properly prepared statement for a Coroner’s Inquest is a pre-emptive defence against later claims. Cover for the costs of preparing statements for the coroner, and legal representation if needed at an inquest, is provided by your Howden policy. Policies for the medical profession are complex and nuanced – it’s wise to engage a specialist broker to cut through complications before they become problems. 

Medical inflation

How we help you customise your policy

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Defend your reputation

We treat allegations aggressively

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Who provides the cover?

To ensure that you receive the best possible support, Howden has established partnerships with some of the world’s leading providers of Medical Malpractice Insurance underwriting and risk management services.

Your Howden policy is placed with underwriters at Lloyd’s, which gives clients the security and reassurance associated with the world’s largest specialist insurance and reinsurance market.

Lloyd's currently enjoys an A+ rating from Standard & Poor's, AA- from Fitch and A from A.M. Best

Is your premium based on your own risk profile?

Share with us a few details and we will get back to you with a personalised quote.

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Frequently asked questions about medical insurance

Your Howden policy is a legal contract, and its terms are therefore enforceable under law. MPS, on the other hand, offers discretionary cover which, as the name implies, means that the acceptance of any claim made by a member is subject to their discretion. MPS has no obligation to provide assistance to a member.

According to a report in The Straits Times on August 17, 2017, over 9,000 of Singapore’s doctors have already transferred from MPS membership into insurance protection.

To switch to a Howden policy, you simply complete the online application form and then accept the quotation provided, effective from the date that your MPS membership expires. We do not recommend that you allow your Howden policy to overlap with prior coverage, as this can cause problems with claims notifications.

We understand that MPS is requiring members to give as much as two-months’ notice of membership non-renewal, and so we encourage you to obtain a quotation for your Howden policy as early as possible. 

The Limit of Indemnity means the total amount available for any one policy year to cover your liability for losses and defence costs for any single claim or claims made during that policy year.

No, each claim under your Howden policy is covered from the very first dollar.

Your Howden policy is underwritten by Lloyd’s Underwriters, with a Standard & Poor’s rating of A+

Yes.  Your claims history is one of the elements of your individual risk profile and will directly affect the premium that you pay.  However, claims history is only one of many factors considered.  Doctors with a claim or claims in their history are not automatically considered high-risk but may be asked to provide extra information so that a proper assessment of their risk profile can be made.

Yes, your Howden policy provides cover for claims brought anywhere in the world, other than the USA and Canada.