Frequently Asked Questions


Find out more about your cover

The following are some frequently asked questions about your riding cover, for the full list please click 


RDA volunteers have to be 12 years or over. There is no upper age limit on the Liability cover, however any volunteers over 90 will not be covered under the Personal Accident cover. 

Volunteers within RDA Groups are protected by the Public Liability Insurance should a claim be made against them. The Limit of Indemnity is £20 million.

Volunteers are also provided with Personal Accident benefits in the event of a fatal accident or accident leading to a permanent total disablement.

Public Liability Insurances provides protection for claims made against you for accidental bodily injury to third parties and or damage to third party property arising out of RDA approved activities.

The RDA policy provides a Limit of Indemnity of £20 million.

A £250 excess applies to any third party property damage claim.

Exclusions include:

  • Criminal acts
  • Abuse - the person accused of the abuse or alleged to be the abuser
  • Incidents known to you but not reported to Insurers
  • Incidents prior to the retroactive date, please refer to the RDA Summary of Insurance Cover Fines, penalties or punitive damages
  • Loss of or damage to property in your custody or control ie saddles used by the group that they do not own

For full details of the policy exclusions please refer to the Policy Wording.

  • Mortality and vets fees cover for horses and ponies
  • Cover for buildings and contents
  • Cover for horseboxes

Please contact Howden if you are interested in obtaining quotations for any additional insurance. 

Personal Accident cover offers a lump sum payment in the event of a fatal accident or accident leading to a permanent total disablement.

  • Death £15,000
  • Loss of two or more limbs or loss both eyes £15,000
  • Loss of one limb, loss of one eye, loss of speech loss of hearing £15,000
  • Permanent Total Disablement £15,000
  • £150 towards necessary out of pocket expenses - receipts must be provided
  • Cover not included for volunteers who are 90 and over

The liability insurance includes cover for:

  • Public & Products Liability - accicdental bodily injury to third parties and or damage to third party property
  • Professional indemnity - losses arising out of errors and ommissions
  • Libel & Slander - including defamation
  • Abuse - protection for damages awarded against the group
  • Legal defence costs
  • Employers Liability - for damages and legal costs arising from death or injury caused to employees/volunteers
  • Trustees indemnity - personal protection for trustees in respect of claims made against them relating to the management of the group
  • Legal Expenses & helpline - provided by Arag plc, please refer to the Legal Expenses summary for details of the cover

If you have Liability Insurance the Group are insured for liability incurred by the employees and volunteers following their negligent acts.

Employers Liability provides protection to the Group as an 'employer', in the event any of the volunteers or employees are injured during their duties and sues your Group for negligence.

Under British Law you can still be called an employee even if you are not paid. Since 1st April 2013 Employers Liability cover is provided to all RDA Groups.

Insurance certificates are issued to the Group contacts April each year, providing the Group membership fee and insurance premium has been recieved by the RDA National Office.

The exercising of RDA horses and ponies outside the approved location, by non-disabled riders is only insured under the RDA insurance scheme when certain conditions are met. 

Find out more.

Low risk fundraising events are covered by the Hiscox Liability policy. Examples include coffee mornings, bring & buy sales, sponsored singing, BBQ's, Christmas fetes, stalls at local events etc.

Please do ensure any fundraising event is thoroughly risk assessed prior to the event taking place. Records must be kept.  

Please note the Insurances do not extend to events involving able bodied pony rides. Separate cover can be purchased for an additional cost direct from Howden. Please contact Howden for a quote.

The Hiscox Liability policy provides the legal costs and expenses in connection with defending you for claims where either injury or damage to property is alleged.

Please note groups also have access to a Legal Expenses policy and free legal helpline through ARAG plc. You can contact their legal advice line on 0344 571 7978.

No. An Instructor must be a full-time UK resident and RDA registered Groups must be located in the UK.

Yes, this is a recognised activity of RDA. Please ensure the activity is appropriately risk assessed in advance.

Yes, this is a recognised activity of RDA. Please ensure the activities planned are recognised by RDA, such as raffles, supply of refreshments, petting or brushing horses, crafts etc.

The Liability cover includes the use of a mechanical horse as part of your RDA approved activities. An RDA volunteer or instructor who is deemed to be a competent rider would be insured for using the mechanical horse as part of a training session.

Please note however that your group is not insured to rent out the mechanical horse for non-disabled riding lessons.

Please also note that the RDA cover does not include insuring the mechanical horse itself from a damage / theft perspective, this can be arranged separately by contacting Howden.

Your coaches review must be up to date. If this is not the case, your insurance may be invalidated for RDA sessions.

Your RDA insurance policy will provide you with cover whilst you are coaching in any RDA recognised activity in the UK.

You should immediately record all relevant information relating to the incident. View the RDA claims advice guide

You can report an incident using our online form below.

Any road traffic incident would be covered through vehicle insurance for both human and equine if the policy applies.  Horses may also have individual equine insurance cover (covered through a separate policy) that would also cover them. 

Yes, riders are insured at an RDA arranged event and horses for any third party bodily injury or property damage.  If a non-RDA event, then additional insurance cover will be required. 

Need to report an incident?

Do you have an existing policy with Howden?

Please tell us what has happened. Someone from the Howden team will get back to you.

Are you, the person notifying the incident, a group, coach, staff, volunteer, or holiday organiser
Telephone number
What type of incident are you notifying?
Are there any witnesses to the incident?

What to do if you are experiencing financial difficulties

We recognise that the current economic conditions are putting pressure on many households and businesses. At Howden, we are committed to finding ways to assist our customers who may require additional support during these times.

If you’re currently facing financial difficulty, please speak to us about your insurance policies by:-

-contacting your Howden Service Team; 
-calling Howden on 020 7623 3806;
-using the Enquiry form.

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For any queries regarding insurance, speak to a helpful representative at Howden