Insurance for rugby clubs

Rugby team pre-match huddle

The RFU automatically provides member clubs with insurance for various third-party claims

Known as a Combined Liability policy, the RFU provides members with a selection of insurances, specifically designed to address the key third-party liability risks faced by a recreational rugby club (including the cost of legal fees). 

The RFU Community Game Liability insurance is provided to any club that is affiliated to the RFU, but does not include cover for Premiership, Championship, armed forces and services, schools or student clubs. 

The Combined Liability cover includes:

Public Liability Insurance

All individuals involved with your club, either as administrators, coaches, officials, referees or players, should do everything reasonable to ensure they do not cause injury or financial loss to anyone or damage to anyone's property. If their actions do cause injury, loss or damage and 'negligence' can be proved, they become legally liable to pay compensation. 

The RFU has arranged insurance protection with RSA for affiliated clubs (plus Constituent Bodies and Referee Societies) whose most senior XV plays at National 1 and below, or Women's Championship and below, in respect of the following:

  • Public/Products Liability 
  • Professional Indemnity 
  • Employers Liability 
  • Directors and Officers Liability 

The Public Liability cover provides a limit of indemnity of £25m each and every claim, with an excess of £250 to be paid by your club in respect of property damage claims only, and embraces a wide range of activities, including social, fundraising and administrative activities. 

In addition, the cover includes:

  • Products Liability - £25m limit of indemnity, each and every claim and per policy year
  • Abuse cover - £15m limit of indemnity, each and every claim and per policy year
  • Legionellosis - £15m limit of indemnity, each and every claim and per policy year
  • Member to member cover
    Professional Indemnity insurance

    Cover is now included should a claim for compensation be made against you for financial loss allegedly caused by negligent errors or omissions in advice that you have provided. This includes defamation cover. 

    This is a summary of the cover provided. For full details please refer to the cover schedule and policy wording. 

    A copy of the policy wording is available on request.

    Employers Liability 

    Cover has been arranged to protect clubs in respect of claims brought against them by employees who are injured in the course of their employment. This includes claims brought by volunteers, if the volunteer is working on behalf of the club and is injured as a result. 

    The limit of indemnity is £10m each and every claim (£5m in respect of claims for terrorism). 

    A copy of the policy wording is available on request

    The RFU Affiliated Clubs' Employers Liability certificate can be found on the Policy & Document Hub.

    Directors and Officers Liability

    As a committee, board member or trustee of a club you have a personal liability for any claim that is made against you as a result of a breach of duty in that role. Examples of such a  breach of duty could include:

    • Mismanagement of club finances
    • Breach of fire safety regulations
    • Corporate manslaughter

    For your protection, the RFU has arranged Directors and Officers Liability insurance to cover this personal liability, up to a maximum of £2m any one claim/per policy year. 

    If you feel that your club requires an increased limit of cover, please get in touch to discuss your requirements. 

    This is a summary of the cover provided. For full details please refer to the cover schedule and policy wording. A copy of the policy wording is available on request.

    What is covered?

    As well as training for and the playing of rugby, any social, fundraising or commercial venture, organised by your club will be covered, unless it involves an activity that is specifically excluded. 

    If you are organising a larger event, you may need to refer to Howden for confirmation.

    Examples of events you need to speak to your Howden broker about include:

    • Any rugby match/festival where you are expecting more than 2,000 spectators
    • Age group representative match
    • County/divisional championship
    • Any social/commercial activity which the club is organising and which is likely to attract more than 1,000 participants
    • Funfair
    • Music festival
    • Waterborne activities, such as boat/raft racing 
    • Bonfire parties and fireworks if you are unable to comply with the insurer’s risk management guidance
      The importance of risk assessments

      If you are organising an event that requires a referral, Howden will be looking for a valid risk assessment, demonstrating you have thought about the associated hazards and have plans in place to ensure the activity takes place as safely as possible.

      Please note, if you are hiring out your facilities to a third party, your club is insured as the venue provider, as is the provision of any additional services, for example, the running of a bar by your members or staff. 

      To protect your interests, when hiring out your facilities to third party organisations you should seek to receive confirmation that Public Liability Insurances are in place and establish who is responsible for completing Risk Assessments.

      Examples of social events that ARE COVERED

      • Fates, fayres
      • Bar-b-q’s
      • Quiz nights
      • Club house
      • Parties/discos etc
      • Car park rental
      • Family fun days
      • Weddings/funerals
      • Temporary caravan site

      What is not covered?

      Any form of motorsport, flying/airborne sports and water sports involving the use of powered craft or specialist equipment

      Please note: these activities are only excluded if your club is arranging them. This exclusion would not apply if you are solely providing a venue for such activities (see above)

      Examples of events and activities that are NOT COVERED

      • Projectile sports and outdoor/adventurous activities
      • Flying / Gliding
      • Parachuting
      • Abseiling
      • Bungee jumping
      • Skydiving
      • Jet skiing
      • Sailing
      • Scuba diving
      • Canoeing
      • White water rafting
      • Powerboating
      • Quad biking
      • Motor sport
      • Soap box derbies
      • Motorcycling
      • Caving Potholing
      • Pony trekking
      • Donkey derby
      • Snowboarding
      • Sledging
      • Assault course
      • Survival training
      • Inflatables/bouncy castles

      We're always here to help

      Do you have an existing policy with Howden?

      For rugby insurance enquiries, call 0121 698 8001. Alternatively, ask your question below and we'll be in touch.

      Our Website Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice includes information on the scope of our service and how we will handle your data.

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      What to do if you are experiencing financial difficulties

      We recognise that the current economic conditions are putting pressure on many households and businesses. At Howden, we are committed to finding ways to assist our customers who may require additional support during these times.

      If you’re currently facing financial difficulty, please speak to us about your insurance policies by:-

      -contacting your Howden Service Team; 
      -calling Howden on 020 7623 3806;
      -using the Enquiry form.

      RFU Insurance Centre