Accidental injury / loss of income

Join thousands of clubs benefiting from best-in-class protection

Protect your injured players' livelihoods

Working with the RFU insurers, we have arranged a scheme for clubs to purchase cover to protect their players' weekly income should they be unable to work as a result of an accidental injury sustained whilst playing for or training with an insured team. 

The policy provides a benefit of up to £300 per week or 75% of the players weekly wage (whichever is less). No cover is proivded for sickness, disease, chronic, ongoing or gradually operating injuries. 

It is payable for up to 13 weeks, following an initial period of absence from work of 28 days. If the injured player is not in employment, cover is limited to out of pocket expenses only (maximum £50 per week). 

Clubs can purchase the insurance to protect players in specific teams, and can choose to buy cover for as many teams within the club as they want.

All you need to do is provide us with the club name, the team you want to be covered (i.e. First XV, Second XV, Ladies XV, Vets XV) and the date you want cover to start. Cover can start anytime from the day after instructions are received. 

Cover can be arranged on an annual basis for as many teams as you wish to protect, you just need to specify which team(s) are covered. The annual premium is £980 per team, inclusive of insurance premium tax.

For those with an eye for detail

View the full policy wording and important information documents for the loss of income cover below:

Ready to go?

Join the hundreds of other clubs that have protected their clubs with Howden

How to claim

What happens if I'm injured and need to claim?

If you need to claim you should complete a claim form and return it to Howden.

We will ask for additional information to support your claim, including confirmation from the club coach/physio/first aider as to when the injury occurred. You will also be asked to provide evidence of your earnings in the 13 weeks prior to your injury. 

Any claim must be submitted within 8 weeks of the incident date.

Cover will start after you have been unable to work for 28 days and will be paid for up to 13 weeks from that date onwards. 

If you're not in employment, cover is limited to out of pocket expenses only (maximum £50 per week)