Loss of Income insurance

A helping hand for your players

Protection for injured players

A rugby injury can mean a break from the game they love, but what if it also means a player can’t work? We’ve created cover alongside the RFU that clubs can buy to protect their players financially in the short term. 

How Loss of Income insurance works 

Loss of Income insurance helps cover the weekly wage of players at your club if they get an accidental injury while playing that stops them from working. 

On a valid claim:

  • The player receives payment of up to £300 a week, or 75% of their weekly wage (whichever is lower). 
  • Payments can last up to 13 weeks and start after the player has been away from work for 28 days. 
  • If the injured player isn’t in work, cover is limited to out-of-pocket expenses only (up to £50 a week). 

You can buy this cover to protect players in specific teams and include as many teams as you like. We can arrange this cover for you annually.

Clubs can buy Loss of Income insurance for £980 per team each policy year (includes insurance premium tax).

What’s not covered

Player sickness, disease, chronic illness and injury, and ongoing or gradually operating injuries, are not covered. 

Ready to get a quote?

To get a quote, talk to our team or download and complete the application form

Woman with notepad and pen on her knee in front of a laptop

How to make a claim

Tell us as soon as you’re aware of an incident or injury – and no more than eight weeks after it happened.

You’ll need to send us information that supports the claim. So have ready confirmation of when the injury happened from the club coach, physio, or first-aider. We'll also ask to see evidence of the player's earnings in the 13 weeks before the injury.

Our expert claims team will be on hand to answer any questions you have and guide you through the process.


Both types of insurance can protect rugby players’ incomes if they become injured and can’t work, but there are some key differences. We explain some of these below.

Loss of income insurance

  • Rugby clubs can take out Loss of Income insurance to help cover players’ lost income if they get a rugby injury and can’t work.
  • If a player is accidentally injured while playing, commuting, or training for rugby and can’t work temporarily, it helps cover their weekly income.
  • Weekly payments last for up to 13 weeks (after a waiting period).  
  • It only covers rugby-related, temporary injuries; it doesn’t include sickness or other causes of injury.

Income Protection insurance 

  • Individual rugby players can take out Income Protection insurance to help them manage financially if they become injured or ill.
  • On a valid claim, the insurer pays them a regular amount to cover a proportion of their lost earnings (after a waiting period). 
  • Payments last until they’re well enough to start working again (or until retirement, the end of the policy term, or they die – whichever’s sooner).
  • The injury doesn’t have to be rugby or even sport related. It also covers sickness and most illnesses that mean they can’t work. 

Just tell us your club’s name, the team or teams you want to cover – such as First XV, Second XV, Ladies XV, Vets XV – and the date you want your policy to start. Cover can start from the day after you apply. To get a quote, contact us or download the application form.